Saturday, December 1, 2012

The story

Hey guys!
Sorry it has been a while since I have updated! I have been SO busy! It has all been so exciting! For those of you who go to BV you know it was hope week this past week! It was so amazing all of you were so supportive! I have not herd how much we raised when I hear tho I will put up a post! Then yesterday I got to go to The Story Tour. For those of you who don't know what that is it is a christian concert that I believe 7 or 8 christian artists perform the bible from genesis to revelations in songs. I was also honored to be able to be at the meet and greet after the concert so I got to meet Matthew west, Natalie Grant, Nicole Nordman, Jermey Camp, and Selah. There may have been a few more. It was truly amazing! Matthew west also prayed over me. But the concert in itself was amazing and a beautiful experience! Medical wise i am doing great! I am due for chemo next week so we will see if my counts will be good enough! 
Thanks guys feel free to leave me a comment!
Love you all!
Cora Peters

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