Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cora's World

Hey guys!
So tomorrow I am going in for chemo! Which isn't the most fun! But it will be a lot easier because I was suppost to be getting it last Thursday. So I got my EKG out of the way! I couldn't get it last week because I got a UTI ( urinary track infection) trust me not fun! Which consisted of me not being able to get my chemo. So tomorrow I will go in for a 30 minute infusion. But before that They will access my port - for those of you who don't know what a port is it is a medical infusion device that they surgically implant so that it saves your veins so your arms don't have to be stuck mine is right under my coller bone so they numb in then they put the needle in and hook me up to fluids. Then they get counts, we wait, and then we see the doctor, then we get chemo. What gets me through the day is knowing we are going shopping after! As most girls are at this time I am very excited for prom! I've got my dress and my shoes but no accessories yet! So I just wanted everyone to know if you have any questions about anything please leave me a comment and I will try to respond to those! I appreciate the feed back it lets me know that you guys like what I am writing! Also let me know what could make it better and help you understand what I am going through right now! I would like to encourage all of you to think about someone other than yourself. There are hundreds and thousands of kids out there that are fighting for their life! Not only with cancer but other very serious conditions! So the next time you complain about something you think is huge think about it from somebody elses prospective. Your problems are small compared to some!

Thanks for reading,

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The minute we crossed back over from Memphis to Arkansas it was a relief. As of this last trip to Memphis I am done going to Memphis! I still have to go to Peoria every week and get chemo every 3 weeks. I am hoping to get back to school toward the end of next week. This last Memphis trip was very special to me. One because I was so happy to be done and two I got to share it with a very special lady. My scans were good mostly the same but still good! The lady a got to spend it with was Julie Locke. She lost her son Dax to cancer at the age of 2. He would be 5 this year. Everytime I am with her I get encouraged. She turns everything into something better! She now has a foundation and is working toward raising 1.7 million dollars to run St. Jude for one day. Her big thing is to forgive everyone. I am so excited to be coming back to school. Next year tho BV students get ready for hope week! We are going to go up against Princeton of who can raise the most money! I am really excited for this!! I can honestly say I have the best friends in the world! No matter how late we get together we do! Staying up till 2 A.M talking is the best! Thank you everyone for supporting me. I am excited to be getting to start seeing everyone at BV again soon!
